This release fixes several minor bugs and improves performance on the community and meal plan features. It also fixes an issue with exporting the food log seen on Android and a few user interface bugs introduced by iOS 15.
- Fixed: iOS 15 User Interface Issues
- Fixed: Results tab: Restaurant foods do not adhere to zero bite ingredients
- Fixed: Missing tabs: Results/Zero BITES/Favorites/My Food/My Recipes/Brands
- Fixed: Text jiggles when typing on Community
- Fixed: Stay on the food search results page after tracking
- Fixed: Recipes/Custom recipes: Serving sizes not displayed on meal detail overlay
- Fixed: “Tap to join” on group notification does not work
- Fixed: “Add to Meal Plan” option should be shown right after adding custom food/recipes in meal plan edit mode
- Fixed: Community: posts not redirecting to the user profile appropriately
- Fixed: Posts should include “close comments” option
- Fixed: Export log does not trigger any option to select email on Android 11
- Fixed: Click error on tapping video on the community
- Fixed: Facebook & Facebook Messenger Sharing Options not shown
- Fixed: Results tab: Restaurant foods do not adhere to zero bite ingredients
- Fixed: Recipes/Custom recipes: Serving sizes not displayed on meal detail overlay
- Fixed: Sharing custom meal plan on community causes app to crash
- Fixed: Editing post does not properly show previous post data
- Fixed: “Add to Meal Plan” option not available when using recent list (Recipes)
- Fixed: Meal Plan’s meal titles do not show the first item in the meal plan, but the photo shows the first one
- Fixed: Community needs a refresh to load new posts after posting
- Fixed: Meal plan shared from Android does not show images on iOS
- Updated: Hide tracking module on food and recipe screens when editing meal plan
- Updated: Serving size decimals should round to hundreths