v6.8.8 - API and Web
This latest release was on the iTrackBites API and web platform and mostly addresses server optimizations and internal bug fixes. One of the user facing items that was fixed was the Forgot password and Reset password screens. These were not working as intended, and sometimes would show up in our old website styling. It has since been updated and now fully works for those who need to reset their passwords through the web.
- Support for the ability to provide more promotional offers to all our members in a faster and more integrated way.
- Support the iTrackBites iPhone App to use password managers during signup, and improve the sign-in process as well.
- The iTrackBites web app now has the new look and improved Forget and Reset password functionality.
- It can also now utilize the API’s new functionality to better give users promotional offers when available, bringing it to parity with our iOS and Android devices.
Bug Fixes
- We fixed a few minor bugs that were not critical, but will help the stability of the user experience, including more detailed bug reporting so that we can more quickly address any new issues.